If I’m not mistaken, that’s how toys are made

0 4

I gets bigger...there's even a people transporter flying machine. Note to self finish these models...oh dear 🙃

4 5



!!!! boy found something ???

next story is coming.

boy project NO.2

ig : https://t.co/59j7AztawI

1 4

Dropkick (Transformers G1)
WFC SIEGE, Ironhide customized as Megatron's Transport Drone from the time of the GOLDEN AGE OF CYBERTRON.

76 284

Trannis (Transformers: G1)
Combiner Wars PROTECTOBOT Groove customized as the Decepticon Warlord from the time of the Second Cybertronian War

28 112

Psycho Yellow Psycho Sling - 3D Render Concept
Made quite a few modifications. A few more tweaks needed.

3 6