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I finished this Mitsuri like a month and a half ago and forgot to post it, WHOOPS

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Black Widow, Carol Danvers and Tatsumaki (Overwatch X One Punch Man)

Was gonna draw one of them but I got bigger plan to do

1 4

A funny concept I thought about would be challenging how punk the female Team Yell grunts are without their face paint and shaven hair. Haha Cheers!

4 22

Posting three of my OC babes for Hope you love them as much as I do! 🥰🥰🥰

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Drew one of my husband’s OCs for a little Valentine’s gift!

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I finally saw Otaku no Video for the first time, so a classic cutie

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Lot of talk and more h shenanigans lately and I've been inspired to do some sooooo . . . Connie The Thief!

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Black Lady/Older Chibi Usa is just so lovely 🥰

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