'I'm not just speaking into the void any more'.

Listen to 2020 winner Kritika Pandey talking about winning the prize, her novel in progress and writing layered stories with

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"We're all geared up...we feel it's our time.” Don't miss our Q&A with writer and as she reflects on the new wave of women writers from Trinidad and the highs and challenges of writing her debut novel 👉 https://t.co/9hndGnF29u

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‘Lock the doors, bub. Keep them locked, remember. Don’t open the doors for no one, k? Stranger danger, don’t forget.’

Read 'Bluey' by Maria Samuela now on

' short story was shortlisted for the 2019


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'The truth is, when you meet, he will be neatly dressed. Shirt collar starched just so, shoes like shiny copper coins'

Read 'How to Marry an African President' by Erica Sugo Anyadike on


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The shortlist is looking sweet! We even spot an AFREADA contributor . Go ahead girl 😉🙌🏾

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Congratulations to the 26 “fresh and unexpected” stories on the 2016 shortlist https://t.co/P3CJvFE7RQ

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