オリオン大星雲 M42
youtubeでSamさんが紹介していたLive Stackという手法を試してみた。赤道儀ではなく経緯台で撮影したので刻々回転ズレしていくが、

Telescope : BORG107FL Camera : ASI224MC


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The late king Phileas and his three sons- Simon and Daniel, his younger twins, and Alexander, the successor to his throne.

( Then why is it that Simon wears the crown upon his head? )

16 61

Some more Xander coming your way! This time being gifted flowers by another friend's OC-- Yves, a WR600 model. Absolute sassmaster.

6 38

I’ve got a new CX100 and his name is Xander and I love this himbo

12 84


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