Sketched one of my characters for the cyberrats expansion playtest! Meet Thresher McTrousle. He likes money, women and calcium supplements

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Thanks so much for this!

I'm Patrick "Boog" Sinnott and I'm a cartoonist and illustrator! I've worked on multiple public comic anthologies, was the illustration lead on the ttrpg cyberrats and many more cool projects! My links are at, take a look!

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Hell yeah thanks much! A lot of my projects are suspended while I plan my wedding, but I have a webcomic at and a magical girl comic in the works! Plus I recently did art for the ttrpg cyberrats and the upcoming From The Static Anthology!

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Heya! I've only officially been doing ttrpg art in an official capacity for a year but I'd love to do more! My work is at and in the upcoming game CYBERRATS by

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Thanks for doing this! I’m a cartoonist and illustrator with a site at I’m presently working on a few comics and art for the ttrpg CYBERRATS, as well as other ttrpg work, but I’m looking for new projects!

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and the companion collection coming for cool pixel cat holders! 1 for each cat you own! If you own a cat by 29th Aug, you will be entitled to a free CyberRat.

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