Time to recruit UltraforceVedramon in Sabbybots tried to catch him but they weren't fast enough

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오늘 낙서 겸 작업한 그림!
왼쪽은 제 oc고 오른쪽은 디지몬 사이버슬루스의 아라타라는 캐릭터랍니다 🙂👍

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Ragnarokwargreymon o Ragnarokgreymon , algo mencionado por el rangod . Un amigo me dice que pareciese un asesino de furros y que mató a zudomon . . . ¿acaso ira a cazar a antonio el etemon?

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Been playing Digimon CyberSluth. Pete is now hanging outin the office~ I love him so darn much! I drew a Pete, Enjoy!

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