An accomplished craftsman, Quaench Raiste creates incredible textile treasures.
Still experimenting in
Still digging it.
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2 14

Choose Your Gnome Adventure: 01-12
“I was amazed by the craftsmanship of the gremlin’s garments. Truly they were of high quality."
You fancy the Traveler’s Cloak:
A) Buy it
B) Be on your way. You'll sew your own
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2 10

Choose Your Gnome Adventure: 01-11
“We followed the Gremlin a short ways off the path. What we found was unexpected."
Quaench Raiste is a Tailor:
A) Peruse his wares
B) Tell him you’re a tailor as well
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2 14

Incredible fan art by Manu Grobei of Rupreckt Shroomdoodle and the gremlin! Go check out more of his colorful work on Instagram.
If y’all do any Choose Your Gnome Adventure fan art, tag me so I can see it!

2 28

Choose Your Gnome Adventure: 01-09
“Gremlins are an arguably common sight in any forest. Though my interaction with them had been next to nothing."

The Gremlin gets closer:

A) Ask what he needs

B) Smile and back away

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4 17

Choose Your Gnome Adventure: 01-07
“Floomberry Forest can be a dangerous place, but the textile treasures found within outweigh the hazards."

Danger is everywhere:

A) Whistle a jaunty tune.

B) Stay quiet and alert.

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4 66

Choose Your Gnome Adventure: 01-06
“Leaving Sweet Eugene is always an ordeal. This day, particularly so."

Sweet Eugene looks indignant:

A) Bring him along.

B) Leave him behind.

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1 27

Choose Your Gnome Adventure: 01-05
“A six day, round-trip journey would require a lot of food. The mini fridge was coming with me."

Sweet Eugene looks sad:

A) Speak words of comfort.

B) Remind him not to eat butterflies.

Vote here >

0 20

“Acquiring Gold Silk Thread meant finding Brudboo Worms. Found only in the heart of the Forest, it would be a three days journey"

You need to pack:

A) Take the Mini Fridge.

B) Live off Trail Mix.

C) Find food on the way.

Vote here 👉

1 28

Choose Your Gnome Adventure: 01-03
“I got up early that morning to finish a fine garment for an extravagant customer."

You need more Gold Silk:

A) Venture into Floomberry Forest and gather it.

B) Skip the Gold Stitching.

Vote here >

1 37

Ever read 📖 the Choose Your Own Adventure books?

I’m starting a weekly webcomic every Wed. With choices to vote on.

Reading is free, voting is exclusive. Become a Patron here:

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