Whelk & Czerny | Judas’s Kiss

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Czerny from Tap Sonic Top

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Imagine if Czerny was a Defender. That'd be pretty cool!

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Meteor defeated Czerny in a rap battle!

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the moment I got Czerny and listen to his en voice

20 124

I drew Lingering Echoes free icons to celebrate the event's release on global servers!
Good luck everyone pulling for Ebenholz and Hibiscus✨

Rules and download in reply

113 243

That look in her eyes...
I had no internet past few days, so here's more Czerny! Enjoy!

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I haven’t glanced too much at the event summary but I LOVE the music for the event, I’m always all over the OSTs.

Czerny is this guy!! Our fancy deer musician with red hair which of course grabs my attention every time.
Tbh the higher the block count, the more I love them.

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