Happy 10/10 day!!! Have some reposts bc I don't have time to make a proper piece-

Dads AU fans, did you know Dads AU 1010 have their own unique names? Meet:
🤍Juno! he/him
❤️Mars! he/they
💛Sunny! he/him
💚Orion! they/them
💙Sirius! he/she/they

20 77

Remaking my Dads AU 1010 designs because the old ones are outdated,,, Starting with Rin!! Will do the others when I can,,,

25 124

Haym and Zimelu body comparison because they're the two extremes of the quintuplets!! Haym is very jealous but the only reason Zim is so big is because he was hit with the same growth spurt as Dad Nova when he was his age,,

31 176

Repost, but I made some changes to Dads AU 1010: galaxy hair and cheeks!! Basically during the boss fight, they all get so angry at their dads' defeat their galaxy brains merge into their heads,,,

26 135

I binged most of Markiplier Makes and can confirm that Zimelu, Haym and Eloni would do the same kind of content,,

28 145

Have their finished refs to!! (Please ignore me forgetting the shoulder things in the finished piece,,, can't be bothered to add em,,,)

42 245

Some doodles and a sketch of Matcha and 's Mimi based on a drawing made!! Them wearing suits together was too cute not to doodle!!!

16 105

New Dads AU comic lads,,, Let's see if this one with last,,,,,
Imma call it "I miss you", idk man,, tried a different colouring style for it because the other one looked too plain and muddy colour-wise,, proud of it tho,,

60 310

Have this real quick,,, AU where Eloni and Human! Matcha open a bakery/cafe called Num Num Cafe!!

26 143

New Dads AU comic lads!!! I dub this one 'Storytime'!!
Ikr how active I'll be on this, but I'll try and get as many pages done for now,,, In the meantime, enjoy Page 1!

33 215

Fake screenshot time!! This happens as soon as Eloni adopts Matcha in the Natura District,, Zimelu is concerned for her safety,,

47 271

"It was at this moment, my little nebula chose to follow my footsteps in astronomy.. I couldn't be more proud of him! Well, all of them!"

29 176