I chose the Yasha Daikoku (and some parts of Shinda Daikoku) prince form just to balance him between the old guys of the seven lucky gods

heck I could portray Daikokuten as an anime girl and still be lore accurate(?) coz Mahakara Daikoku-nyo girl form

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seeing all the coomer versus safehorny debates online makes me worry if people gonna use my daikokuten design for drama bait, even though I made him look like that because I want him to be memorable + connect him with Kali/Mahakala

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Kaori Daikoku, another anime-only girl for

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Not sure if glad or sad that Daikokuten is 4 star in FGO

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Daikokuten: The Japanese deity of fortune and wealth. Daikokuten originated from Mahākāla (buddhist version of the Hindu deity Shiva).

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eye's MIX No.047 【Daikoku-chan】7 Gods of fortnune https://t.co/iSKM6k4CTF

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Daikokuten’s Attendants

Originating from the Buddhist version of Shiva & conflated with the Shinto god Okuninushi, Daikokuten is a god of fortune & wealth.

His mice come from being associated with the northern direction, which corresponds to the Rat in the Chinese Zodiac.

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I find it really funny how the Japanese shopkeeper god Daikokuten was based off Mahakala, Buddhist deity of divine wrath. Syncretism is really interesting.

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次回のキネルクスシアターに登場するのは、大黑屋炎龍さんによる「Girl Fight - Air Force」です!()

Coming next to Kineluchs Theatre! Girl Fight - Air Force! Presented by Daikokuya-Enryu! ()

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4 stars

Daikokuten is most likely to fall off

The ones that i want most are Kriemhild and Wu , while Roland would be nice

Daikokuten i guess depends on if i like their antics in event but mice nurses gives them a decent boost

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Our fanart Noragami Daikoku cursor pack represents Kofuku's shinki and guidepost. This character is somewhat complicated and rough, especially in his first impression.

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Tamamo Cat and Daikokuten.
Original, from new Japan Tom and Jerry animated series.
Also, i got family trip this week, so there's no new comic. 🙏

See you next week and have a nice day 😊

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. 『劇画 大黒屋と悪代官)』
(Gekiga Daikokuya and the Evil Dairyman))

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. 『大富豪のび太』
(Daikokugoro Nobita)

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『♡』 Daikokuten's Okasan ( 2 / ???):
アルジュナ (オルタ) 🐀🐱

" お母さんはあなたと一緒です "

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94) MALLET⚒️
The mallet 'Uchide-no-Kozuchi' (打ち出の小槌), typically held by Daikokuten (大黒天), is said to grant any wish with 1 tap.

After he was saved from a fire on Mt Hodo by a giant dog, Yamato Takeru (2-41AD) is said to have founded Saitama's Hodosan-jinja (宝登山神社).

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