🔮Card of the Day🔮
Traditions are important. They help bond families and bring people together. What traditions do you have, or wish to implement? Something to meditate on today. https://t.co/rgx2tyhfoL

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🔮Card of the Day🔮
Hanged Fae
The Hanged man is about altering your worldview. There is a calmness that comes when you surrender yourself to the universe and allow these changes to happen. This is a time to slow down and change your perspective

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🔮Card of the Day🔮
1 of Pents
When this card appears it represents a time of change and new beginnings on the career/home front. You must put in the work but know that this card is here to reassure you that the seeds you sow today will bear fruit.

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Jan 13
Card: 5 of Cups
You feel disappointed because things didn’t workout the way you expected. People that you have trusted have not done their part of the deal. You are back at the starting line. It is time to start from scratch, again!

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First the bad news: there's no Happy Hour on Christmas Day! Now the good news: we have a special livestream tonight. Get messages from the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present & Future at 8 p.m., EST!

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Happy Saturday everyone! We have some good news! There’s no need to wish upon a star today (🤔Although you might want to thank your lucky stars)!!! Here’s the Tarot for Tomorrow, Saturday, December 4, 2021.

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Hi everyone! Sundays often revolve around families or family matters. Today looks to be no exception. How pleasant is it going to be? Well… Here’s the Tarot For Tomorrow, Sunday, October 17, 2021.

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Today’s message is especially for my single friends who are manifesting a “God, when?” - You and someone’s child(ren) will be very happy soon - I’m claiming it for you. Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. 🧿💎

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Venus Day! Finally! I’m feeling a ton of spicy, romantic energy in the air. Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. 🧿💎

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Is it Monday…is it Mercury Retrograde? Oh, no…it’s both! What will your day be like? The Devil is in the details. Here’s the Tarot for Tomorrow, Monday, September 27, 2021.

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Good morning Stars! 💖✨🔮
Use today to reflect upon yourself. Visualise your past successes and falls. Use them to build up to a brighter future ☀️

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Take time to get to know yourself, Make mischief, & spread love.


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