I stopped tweeting my partway through the year, mostly because it was just inconvenient on twitter's interface. But! I kept posting them over on my tumblr, you can see all 365 entries there!

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Fell behind on posting my so let's start February's thread! Feb 1 was Hourly Comic Day, the pose is based off a picture of Hildegard von Bingen I came across. On the 2nd I did not go outside but heard sleet all day.

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Whoops, I've lagged on posting my 22-25, wherein I did so much vector art that whenever I closed my eyes I saw anchor points, & then had a few days of internet problems until it FINALLY got fixed! And now I have a router that isn't from 2014!

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January 2 and 3 of my

On Saturday I set up a video call with my family and today I tried very hard to make french toast.

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