Today's Paintings by Jeffrey Catherine Jones. Picked up LORD OF THE FLIES again this morning. Imagined how beautiful an illustrated edition by her would've been. Artists: Is there a dream book you would love to illustrate someday?

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Today's Remembering legendary artist Juan Gimenez who reportedly passed away this week due to complications. He was a massive visual influence upon artists worldwide, beloved by fans of HEAVY METAL and THE METABARONS. He will not be forgotten.

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Today's Paintings by Paul Lehr. I've seen the one on the left in person, and it's astonishing. I can only imagine what the one on the right looks like in real life. (And yes, these are both traditional paint, not digital.)

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Today's Illustrations by Moebius. Did a signing w/ him in my early days. Finished my stack & then stood behind him as he signed for an hour. He did a drawing in each book as if he was tracing images beamed from a projector mounted in his forehead. Legend.

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