There's been a lot going on in my private life lately and I've been feeling a little spent by Friday, so in lieu of my regular here's a cute critter I drew up in 2020.
I just ordered some stickers of him so those will be available from my shop when I receive them.

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Have another fic inspired this time with the cute Moon themed PJ's the author created for the protag-insert.
I use here as the insert, cuz I feel they fit in, so they get to have the PJ and moondrop smoothie after 24+ hours awakeness

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For today's I present to you.. 's hybrid, with an important message to us all. Trust her, she's a nurse.

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In answer to yesterday's 's OC got a response to how she thinks about language.

Also is there too.

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Went a bit overbord with today's wanting to make a mood pic with 's OC's and

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Another venting my legs not been good to me this week. Here's hoping a weekend's rest will fix that up

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Had a little fun with today's staring from And explosions

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Another watercolor trying a variation of rhe palette. &70 etc

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Final watercolor with a little bit of toothbrush spatter action! $200 etc

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Today's a Punk Rock Rat for Shay Lee ...rock on!

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- Pencil Day is coming! Sharpen up and make your mark!

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The world needs heroes. So in today's I'll get some of mine together.

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Bytesized Doodles - "Pom Pom" Feel free to leave a suggestion for a future

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Today's a series which I hope will become less cringeworthy as I keep at it. Took about 30 minutes.

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I missed all the fun again, so here's a missed requested by !

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