At last, has come to a close. With surprisingly less internal screaming over this one compared to some of my other entries.
Thank you for such a fun challenge!!

1 6

How do you people even draw sleeves... I swear, I spent way too much time on them only for them to look this awful anyway.

2 14

I had to fit the hat onto him somehow. (+ the pic I based the background on)

3 9

I take it back, THIS is the new most rushed entry because I went out to dinner and didn't come home 'til 11. So bye-bye, jacket.

1 13

I don't get why I'm not motivated to draw these things until it's late at night, but at least I did something for the hands this time! :D

2 16

The hands were once again sacrified to get this out on time.

1 11

Yes, I'm aware that this one's absolute garbage, but I rushed it out more than any of my other prompts so far
Here's to making the same mistake of waiting until the day's almost over to draw these things again :,D

1 8

Ok, I'm actually really happy with how this one turned out (so far). I was already excited to do this prompt, but who knew having a proper amount of time to work on artwork would help me be more patient with myself? :)

2 10

Honestly, this is my least favorite prompt. It's really forgettable, especially when compared to the other, way cooler prompts on this year's list. But I did what I could with it.

1 8

Had to rush this one out while I had the time because I'll be busy for the rest of today.
(+ the translated Korean text on the hoodie)

1 11

Oh I was REALLY looking forward to this one!!
(He's supposed to be kneeling btw)

1 9

Sometimes I think of cool pose ideas, and then I remember I'm not talented enough to get how that'd affect the clothes right. So Brock's hands, and by extension the sleeves, were left out.

2 14

I've been indulging in the news all day, hence why I worked on today's later than usual.

2 11

Don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't for this to take as many hours as it did.

3 13

My first that was a real challenge to do. But this is what happens when you try putting a suit on a tombstone.

3 16

I've been feeling like shit, so now you a Brock who's feeling like shit too.

1 15