Happy monday everyone lets do our best this week and close out the year on a good note!

As a bonus enjoy a smol !

122 295

today's belated

Countdown as everyone anxiously awaits servers to go up for 6.0!

79 216

Hey everyone! I'm alive and back, health is still rocky but slowly working back into things! Hope you've all been well and thank you for sticking around 😊

34 118

Today's !

Smol reminders of a home far away from here

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Today's !

I have flower crowns on the mind lately...

86 214


That megane service, need that extra serotonin boost and I hope you receive it as well!

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Today's !

All the games coming in Nov for switch has me so excited hehe

47 121


Had some med issues, so only have 3 hours in 3 days im so tired oh god. Please take care of yourself and get enough rest it's a debt you can never pay back!!

55 129

Today's !

For whomever need these words of encouragement for any challenge great or small, believe in yourself and remember there are always people who believe in you as well! You got this, you're doing your best, and you CAN do this!!!

36 86


May your weekend end with rest and joy so that you can start the week strong!

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Today's !

Let the bright smile of the beloved meow man brighten your Saturday!

40 90

Today's !

We're almost to the weekend! Remember to take breaks, stretch, and most importantly KEEP HYDRATED! ✨

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It is a very sleepy sunday, hope you all can rest and recharge a little!

84 221

Today's !

Some uplifting words! Remember you are you're harshest critic, so try to take time to be kinder to yourself, and accept the kindness of others. You deserve it!

89 180

Today's !

Feels like the end of a gauntlet sometimes at the end of the week, congrats everyone you made it to friday! Whether it's the start, middle, or end to your week may you have the chance for some self care and rest!

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Today's !

Some casual Raha snugglin with a familiar white bun

62 180

Today's !

Love you suki nan da yo!

56 140

Today's !

Some good ol content ft. G'intana!

26 75