the thought of having to fully give up on drawing is simply unbearable

pain is what keeps me from quitting i tell ya, PAIN.
(oh and creativity ig no shit sherlock)

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hoo boy think it has been awhile since ive posted these

imagine booping to about 10+ opponents, getting a shitton of assists and getting less than 1 death but you dont get an s rank

morale: never chase a dragon that has orbiting stars and fast ms.

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have yall met my new waifu chair.?

ngl i think im sexually in love with the chair.

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who the hell says canada when in pain

real men say ahn

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5 days until I fail to finish that one Halloween art

In the meantime, here's a picture showing my scale between work and laziness :3

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it kinda scares me just pondering about an overheaven requiem stand

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Whoa that last ducktales episode was harsh

Good thing I'm postin this webby and sans pic to make it harshn't >:3

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Instead of sans you get this
What do you do

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