gm to everyone, but esp to who added 2 more pieces to his collection yesterday! a "vintage" piece from january off secondary and a commemorative piece form the first Sylvonaut Office Hours... 🌊🥀

2 19

WHALE HELLO THERE! gm to everyone, esp. who just became the newest member of the guild of Certified Sylvonaut Whales. Thank you for collecting "September 29, 2022" and completing your set of 10 tokens. So honored to have you on this journey! 🦋🐳

2 11

Remember this one? "April 28, 2022" 👀👁️👀👁️👀

dearest just picked it up a few days ago. One of the last unsold pieces from April 2022. In web3 timewarp, i'd say this qualifies as "vintage" piece, right? ❤️❤️

1 6

these new babies are minting soon. setting up the OS listings now and will post links shortly!

3 25

well my morning certainly just got a little brighter. woke up to two surprise sales of if either of these were you please raise a hand so i can thank you properly! and may i say that you have excellent taste; my niece will be very pleased 🎩🧐🧸

1 19

Four new mints are coming soon!

April 07, 2022
April 08, 2022
April 09, 2022
April 10, 2022

All will be available (none reserved) but April 10 will be gifted in a giveaway. Details coming soon. 🎉

6 28

"March 07, 2022" | Day 66 of

In the thick of pisces season... 😚😚😚🐟🐟🐟♓️♓️♓️

0.047 $eth

1 10

Day 53: 2.22.2022 | super 2s tuesday!

The curves of the 2s and the symmetry of this date are reflected in the composition. Do you see them? 💜🌿

0.04 ETH (this one's got unlockable content - an irl art print!)

1 5

Is this real life? just snapped up two of my pieces, i can't believe it! so grateful and excited :)

2 13

just wanted to give a heads up that i'm catching up on backlog and will be minting new pieces between meetings today!

February 16-February 21 coming soooOooOOoon, a few sneaks below

3 10