# type procreatelettering typography font posterjam fontdesign typedesign thedailytype 36daysoftype08 lettering wip experiment suyt femmetype helveticaposter typematters typegang goodtype typographyinspired typetopia graphicdesign design typespire handmadefont fonts graphics creative longunderwear cold 36days_n 36daysoftype 36days_adobe illustration vector graphic designspiration customtype typeinspiration typographydaily typeeverything letterdesign experimental drawingletters arabictypography typeverthing خط تصميم ibrohamdi typeart typographie artypography arabictype typographic arabictypedesign تايبوجرافي bananaskinshoes handmade badlydrawnboy meandmypen thedesigntip typostrate typegangtw logo logos logodesigner mars band logodesigns art artw aigalosangeles aigala aiga aigadesign showusyourtype visualdesign visualcommunication thursdaymotivation handtype typega goodtypetuesday typeinspired typegoodness typedaily handdtawntype red tdkpeepshow letteringco itsnicethat pencil typographytuesday calligraphy calligraphymasters kaligrafia liternictwo handwritting blackletter letterforms handlettering handtypography customlettering typesp illesso typism handdrawn letters letter layout picklefactory branding illustrator logoinspirations marketing business duotone madewithfontself fontself sketch drawing typespot 36days_3 36daysoftype06 madewithcc adobedesign adobedimension 3d visualart dailydoodle handletter nottinghamcreatives springtime graphicdesignblg graphicgang logotype logoplace

[Dailytype_12] — Logo & Form Exploration. I played a little bit with 3D, constructed a futuristic city in Blender, explored different shapes, lighting, forms, and perspective. Fun day!

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Overall fun day. I can't wait to begin with lettering words! [Dailytype_11] — Back to Lettering. I integrated some images and distorted them for the BG, plus some noise texture. For the type, I added some orange color accents. Neue Haas Grotesk, find it on adobe typefaces.

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No Fran, no puedes negar que tienes un lado horny, eres como el DailyTypeMoon

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There's a great new band out of Central Florida that has branding designed by yours truly. Make sure to check out if you get a chance!

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I’m going to start trying to begin my day with a warm up scribble, hoping it becomes a habit! Here’s the first, from a sketch I did a while ago. Another one with a face 😃 .

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Actually feels like Spring, maybe even summer. Although there is a gang of wasps trying to ruin the sun in the garden.


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