Since ARMS is a hot topic right now, allow me to reveal the fruit of my research on the enigmatic Dr. Coyle! This track tells you all you need to know about “the rad scientist.” Or at least, all that we know for sure...(1/4)

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Daily Vibe Blast Man Stage — Mega Man 11

I know I already covered Mega Man, but I first played his latest adventure recently, leading to my discovery of this BANGER! First things first, you enter the stage, and BOOM! You’re greeted with a countdown! (1/?)

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Daily Vibe God-Shattering Star — Fire Emblem: Three Houses

If you have not listened to this piece (or played this game, for that matter), PLEASE FIX THAT. I’m not gonna complain about what we got, but MAN not having it in Smash hurts. (1/?)

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