
14 40

My long awaited contribution to the

10 29

It’s been a few months since I first saved challenge hoping to one day do it. And that day was this past Sunday.

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มองหน้านี้มีใจหรอคะ 🫵

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にて描かせて頂きました!リクエスト有難うございます! https://t.co/ncwT5rztU7

13 30

Last of the chibis that milkat sprout made for me 😭
I am so obsessed with these

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"please take time to relax with me and mr. piggy!"

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"you want to wear my hat? Sure you can as long as you give it back."

13 32

"I didn't know you had moves, Miles."

//Fan art by DaisyArtz on ig

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20年前くらいのサークル最初期に描いた「ワン娘」シェットランドシープドックですねん。この頃はタブレットなんて便利なものはなくて、スキャンしたものをマウスで線を修正してマウスで塗ってましたw 機材はPC9821Xn+三菱RD-17GⅡ+EPSON GT-9000、ソフトはDaisyArt98でした。

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