Laudémus Deum nostrum * In conversióne Maríæ Magdalénæ.

Num quem díligit ánima mea, vidístis? Invéni, quem díligit ánima mea: ténui eum, nec dimíttam, donec introdúcam illum in domum matris meæ et in cubículum genetrícis meæ.

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Top 100 of the 2010s: Ardalén by Miguelanxo Prado (2012) is a story about memory as the essence of existence, perception of our life. It is about a handful of humans that help and harm each other, some come to love each other, and others cling to memories avoiding failure.

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This dumb joke that and I made didn’t get enough recognition and I really want to change that. Can someone get to retweet this or something. Oh and merry Christmas.

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L'image du dimanche : Miguelanxo Prado - Ardalén - 2013

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So happy to hear that we get another season of One Day At A Time – a rare show that strives for honesty, sweet silliness, and compassion. Much needed these days, and deserving of your eyeballs. Dalé, ODAAT! ❤️

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