Behold the Sinosauropteryx!
Scientists have been able to determine the coloration of this dino and it looks like a feathery red panda.

The Dalinghosaurus is a lizard with an assumed species being found in the stomach of a Sino, proving they feasted on these lil guys.

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so the-lightning-strikes-again apocalypse AR drabble was angst but the ending was soft.

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When your crush passes by

(๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)〜💜💜💜 It’s Adrenaline Rush again by
lightning-strikes-again ao3 | tumblr

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started with lightings drabble about them having short hair in AR, and did a vld ver. I miss them being happy

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alfor and alluras copy side by side and
day of photo

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Adrenaline Rush by Lightning_Strikes_Again on ao3

This fic ^^ keeps me awake at night 😭😭
On a sunny day the King and his Princess took a photo.

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Kova is king and is my fav in the-lightning-strikes-again fic Adrenaline Rush.

Pls r&r their work in ao3! :D

Adrenaline rush is a human au lotura fic and drag racing you won't regret reading it!

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imagines lotor human au with a stache, a beard and ajs jacket and blue shirt combo, he looks like alfor and coran 🤣
pls read lightning-strikes-again adrenaline rush fic on ao3
it's drag racing and lotura

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