# jacy

drawing of Jayce from a few days ago

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ok one last quick doodle for the night
omg you guys have no idea how important their sibling relationship is to me hhhhh

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assorted AU doodles
ship stuff but also Shak with an Amphibeast because we had a silly talk about her getting one as a pet (she deserves a pet and its cute I think heh)

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I wanted to try out the gouache brushes a bit in CSP since I still never settled how I color in this since switching from PS, but I knew the perfect subject to try! A rather handsome looking Jayce from

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joining the wife on this because its all we've been taking about for the past few days now (just trying to get a feel for drawing them fffff)

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Technically this is one of the first digital pics I had tried of Jayce. First drawings were on paper but I knew I was gonna need some of my nice digital colors to get some of the nice effects of his glowing~

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AU has a potential romance between Lucy and Jayce. Don’t expect that in the canon. But I had the random thought under different circumstances if... maybe?...They had similar goals but very different means to reach that. Trust me on this lol

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Fell for the Jayce from and ran off with an AU where he at least got to match more physically how his narrative was going bc that's just What I Do!
Show had good concepts & designs but fell short in other stuff for me. Check out if you want some urban fantasy.

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