Dark Children

I'd like to thank again all my friends who created their Dark Digital Monsters. Without your creative contribution this FanArt project would not happen.

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PANBOXMON- Digimon Evil Chest, created to serve a master. Unable to open up itself without the key that can reveal PanBoxmon's hiding place.

FanArt by
Original Concept by Matheus Flores

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ICHIKHAOSMON - a Digimon ironically emerged from data collected about some children who saved DigiWorld but when it was forming, a virus joined making it evil

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Original Concept by

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THULULUMON- Has a neutral behavior Despite the evil sealed in them. They are really rare, but many Digimon hunt for their evil data.

FanArt by
Original Concept by Denis Almeida

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GOTHITAMON, a Gothic Digimon.
She loves jokes and candies. Gothitamon is not completely mean but she never resists the chance to play tricks, always someone comes out crying!

Concept by

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LIBIDMON - Spoiled and arrogant Digimon, manipulate others with a false love desire. They break the hearts of those who have served them.

Fanart by
Original Concept by

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ANONIMON - Originating from anonymous hate message. It's voice is persuasive, spreads hate. Prefers to be invisible to fight.

FanArt by
Original Concept by Ricardo Toniato

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GADRARIMON is a Digimon capable of absorbing noxious data and weak viruses and releasing them corrupting systems and Digimon.

FanArt by
Original Concept by Natan Lopes

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VANIMON - It's said that when Vanimon appears is a sign that the place is haunted by corrupted spirits of the Digiworld.

FanArt by
Original Concept by Matheus Rodrigues

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ANARQUIMON - He was forced to starring in a puppet show. He rebelled to take control of his own destiny, calling himself Digital Anarchist.

FanArt by
Original Concept by Fabio Toty

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HOLLOWMON. A Digimon that came from the underworld. He is never seen without a mask, his head is always on Blue Fire

FanArt by
Original Concept by João Pedro Albuquerque

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MADOLLMON, Piedmon's offspring.
They emerged from the fragments of Piedmon's Digicode spread across the Dark Area.
They are purely evil!

FanArt by
Original Concept by

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CHAMEMOMON, a Chameleon Digimon.
An incredible shapeshifter. It tricks other Digimon to steal their things.

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Original Concept by

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CAPETAMON - a Demon Digimon that hates being in the dark. It has incredible powers of persuasion usually manipulating naive Digimon.

FanArt by
Original Concept by Diego Rafael de Souza

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IMPUSMON, a lonely, sad and scared Digimon.
Is said that the red light of its nose attracts misfortune [...]
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Original Concept by

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VAMPMON, a Vampire Digimon.
Its appearance and powers are Vampire type but it is a Fallen Angel Digimon corrupted by the desire for revenge.

FanArt by
Original Concept by Edgard Júnior

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DEVIDOLLMON, a Demon Digimon that looks like a harmless doll. She is mischievous and curious. Her origin remains uncertain and full of rumors

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Original Concept by

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SATINMON, a mischievous
Knowing for applying tricks
on outsiders. It's capable of producing small tornadoes with powerful winds
FanArt by
Original Concept by Thiago Coelho

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Dark Children is a legion of Demonic They are all Rookie Level. Rumors say there are 19.
One day they will have great power to cause problems in the entire DigiWorld and beyond dimensions.

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