"You know..." Gavin began, a smile on his face, circling his fifth tequila glass with a finger, "it may not be obvious, but, I have to admit, you're a good friend. I like that, I like you."

- Close to your heart, Ch8


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I participated in the with the sole purpose of spreading my agenda <3

also you can read my amazing partner's fic right here: https://t.co/QOl1ikjptc

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They are exhausted and just want to be with each other.

This is to accompany ’s latest chapter of her amazing fic 🔗⬇️

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"A Reason To Live" Ch.1
A Phantom Thief AU I am working together with as part of the DBH AU Reverse Big Bang is out on AO3!
Warning, she's going to kill you with feelings 😭😭😭✨✨✨


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THIS CHAPTER, Y'ALL. I drew him being angry but his emotions really run the whole gamut here and yours will too. 🥺😭🥵 holee molee


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And here we are, the moment of truth has come, here's chapter 6

How will Gavin react to all of this? There is only one way to find out😁
The drawing I made for gives you a little taste😝

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Here’s my art for a Wild West Au that was made real thanks to the wonderful writing by my teammate for the !

Please check out the amazing fic!Ao3🔗⬇️

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And the fourth chapter is also out 🥰


Here things get sweeter, but don't get used to it 🤣
and I have more in store 😝
There is also a little drawing of mine 😁
See you next week 😉

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The One That Binds Us
Detroit Become Human Dragon AU by
Go to my Tumblr for more: https://t.co/SlEIoBqce2😉
Thanks, Yen, you made my silly fantasy come true and made it beautiful😘

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