Starting now I will be powerscaling how good of a cook everyone is, and will keep a consistent log throughout the reread

Gohan, as a kid no less, learned to forage and cook by living in the wilderness for 6 months

Imagine how good he is with his potential unlocked

2 26

I miss seeing Ox King, especially since he’s in the immediate family I wish we got more of him

Kinda nice how even the less important side characters still leave an impression for me 🗿

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The beginning to my favorite companionship in the series, between two of my favorite characters

Incredible to look back this far and see how Piccolo the two are best friends and essentially like brothers nowadays

1 15

Spoiled brat. How dare a child call out for his dad to help him when he’s kidnapped and dropped in a lake by some menacing alien stranger.

1 16

Somewhere on Earth, Raditz’s skeleton is just laying there, rotting away.

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This is still one of my favorite chapter titles. I cant really explain why, but maybe because it’s incredibly simple, literally just a name? But at the same time this reveal alters the ENTIRE story in huge ways

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Oh, so that’s why he had a tail. He is Goku’s long lost brother from space.

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Why is Goku talking to himself???

What’s he holding???

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Now in color

The colored version does look odd in some parts, but I really like how Kame House is colored here

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Partially due to his hairstyle, outfit, and his name, Silver feels like he could be a Pokemon character to me

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Can’t believe Roshi decapitated Goku

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He’s a really good sport as well. This panel of him shaking Goku’s hand is cute

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Reminder: Goku is a fighting genius and always has been. My mans learns and correctly performs multiple different techniques just from seeing them performed once

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This will never get old, pretty fun way to explain the insanely quick fights

3 23

I think I’m gonna do a thread of my DB reread. I’ll pin it to my profile, but I’m gonna start from the 21st TB (where I am now) and I’ll continue all the way to the Buu arc.

Let’s go

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