V is for Vegeta.
Two of them, just because 😍
I am nearly done with this ABC thing. Only four more to go 🙂 Actually, maybe six. Or seven? I don't know.

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I had a long unplanned break with these collages, but I'm really hoping to get them finished by the end of the year now.

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I was doing my next collage yesterday while Sophie was off sick from school, and she made her own collage of Goku from my scraps ❤️

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H is for Hit.
So late - sorry. I'm now racking my brain for a decent rep for the letter 'I'. Ummm.......

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F is for Frieza.
I nearly missed the deadline for this one, only just managing to squeeze it in. And just like that I'm about a quarter through my ❤️

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