💥 ACDC#1758 sold for NaN $avax

Tweep Meet Acid Cat - the reckless furball with a faded sunset fur & a devil-may-care attitude!

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🍾 ACDC#2446 sold for NaN $avax

Once upon a time, there lived a sensible acid cat with a bell collar. He was always up to mischief, but in a controlled and calculated way.

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🍻 ACDC#1834 sold for 0.97 $avax

At first, I thought the cat was just an ordinary house pet. Little did I know it was a highly educated acid cat with a halftone green blue fur.

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🤯 ACDC#2409 sold for 0.97 $avax

The mercurial acid cat had a rare power - the ability to switch bodies.

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🍻 ACDC#2382 sold for 2.45 $avax

Meet Acid Cat: she’s a feline bon vivant with a flair for financial responsibility and a beloved bell collar.

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🍾 ACDC#3027 sold for 0.93 $avax

Meet Acid Cat, the kooky feline with a bell collar. He's always up to some kind of madcap adventure!

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✨ ACDC#2757 sold for 0.93 $avax

Meet Little Cat, an optimistic acid cat with a golden boy fur! He loves to explore new places and make new friends.

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💥 ACDC#1943 sold for 1.50 $avax

Introducing the world to the rambunctious acid cat! This furry feline loves to break boundaries and explore the boundaries of physical limitations.

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💥 ACDC#2981 sold for 0.93 $avax

Today was a strange day, there was a peculiar cat roaming around. With an acid green coat and a bright pink nose, it stood out in the crowd.

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🥵 ACDC#1937 sold for 1.00 $avax

There once was a kooky acid cat with a body made of acid.

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🥵 ACDC#2646 sold for 1.40 $avax

Meet Sensible Acid Cat! He’s the kind of cat who never gets into trouble--unless it involves a jar of jelly.

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💥 ACDC#2272 sold for 0.94 $avax

Once upon a time in a far away land, there lived an acid cat known to all as the legendary He had one paw that was forever golden and shined brighter than any other cat.

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🤯 ACDC#2397 sold for 12.00 $avax

Meet Acid Cat - she's a patient one. She's seen some things, and she's not afraid.

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🤯 ACDC#2172 sold for 1.00 $avax

Financial Cat is your average feline. Responsible with his money, he always manages to save a little something from his daily kibble.

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✨ ACDC#1847 sold for 1.21 $avax

Tweets Meet Freddy the Cat! He's a cynical acid cat with bandages for fur that just loves to express his disappointment in all things!

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🔥 ACDC#2991 sold for 1.00 $avax

Here's the story 👇

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💥 ACDC#446 sold for 0.95 $avax

This peculiar cat has been spotted around town--it has a monochrome teal face and the strangest eyes.

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🍻 ACDC#1921 sold for 1.50 $avax

Meet Acid Cat, the most degenerate cat in town! He loves the punk rock and partying, and is always ready to hit the club!

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🥵 ACDC#2991 sold for 0.72 $avax

There once was an acid cat with vibrant pink fur. It watched the world go by with a knowing gleam in its eyes.

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💥 ACDC#2452 sold for 0.50 $avax

Introducing Mercurial, the acid cat with a turtle-green front! She's one-of-a-kind, and with a personality as colorful as her features.

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