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🍸 Anyone thirsty out there? 🍸
We got you WL spots for the super cool ODDSQUAD project from Ojo de Dios with their MASTER award-winning Mezcal!
To enter:
1️⃣ Follow @OddSquadNFT & @angryboars
2️⃣ ❤️& RT & tag 3 frens
3️⃣ join Discord:https://t.co/zOkSt7XqvB
Just repping my Odd Squad thanks to @themattyverse 💛
5x Whitelist spots for #OddSquad 🔥
To enter:
1️⃣Follow @OddSquadNFT
2️⃣Like + RT
3️⃣Tag 3 friends
48 Hours ⏰ Good luck 🤞🏽
#nftgiveaway #nft
I would love to welcome @iKreate_ to the @OddFcknMonsters Fam! He got #92, went and picked up his #OddSquadz and is already earning #PICKLES ! Can’t wait for him to get his new #NFTouchables keychain!
"Santa Chick with Gingerbread Cookies"
Looks like that Chick (Nicole) has baked some gingerbread cookies for you to enjoy. ~ 💕🍪😉
- Requested by myself
#FNAF #fnafau_chick #fnafau_nicole #theddsquad #ddsquad #santadress #gingerbread #gingerbreadcookies #fnafoc #chica
This new BACK AGAIN: 1975 campaign from @Rimmy_Downunder is a freaking amazing idea and brings an awesome community element to @Arma3official
The FoddSquad and I are STOKED to run some ops to support the offensive!
"Liz's balloon-fingers"
Liz is confused and terrified, her fingers are making balloons! 🎈
#fnaf #fnafau #fnafelizabeth #elizabethfnaf #balloons #elizabethafton #fnafau_bettymiller #fnafau_hybridbaby #hybridbaby #bettymiller #teenelizabeth #theddsquad #fnafau_theddsquad
John vs Kyle (FNAF AU)
John and Kyle used to be friends as children.
Until they both realized that they had the same crush: Charlie Emily.
#FNAF #fnaffanart #FiveNightsAtFreddys #fnafau #fnafnovel #fnafjohn #johnfnaf #fnafkyle #kylefnaf #KyleDayson #fnafau_kyle #fnafddsquad
@bubun_neko Character name: "Chick"
From my FNAF AU: "The DD-Squad"
(Death & Dismemberment Squad)
#theddsquad #fnafau_theddsquad
Turning into Baby (#HybridBaby's "Circus-form")
Sometimes, Circus Baby can force Elizabeth to shapeshift, even though Elizabeth is still conscious and/or doesn't want to. But that rarely happens.
#FNAF #FNAFAU #CircusBaby #ElizabethAfton #fnafau_ddsquad #KyleDayson #KateStidger
Some previews of my planned arts/comics with teenage Elizabeth Afton (Hybrid Baby - human form 1).
#FNAF #FiveNightsAtFreddys #ElizabethAfton #fnafelizabeth #elizabethfnaf #BettyMiller #CircusBaby #HybridBaby #FNAFAU #TheDDSquad #fnafau_ddsquad
Elizabeth (Betty) and Kyle moment - Shooting lesson
Kyle Dayson teaches (teen) Elizabeth Afton how to use a gun.
#FNAF #FiveNightsAtFreddys #fnafddsquad #ElizabethAfton #KyleDayson #elizabethfnaf #fnafelizabeth #fnafkyle #kylefnaf #KyleDaysonMorn #Bonnie_and_Clyde #TheDDSquad
Don't you hate it when your parents stalk you when you're on a date?
#FNAF #FiveNightsAtFreddys #CircusBaby #SpringTrap #KyleDayson #fnafkyle #kylefnaf #HybridBaby #ElizabethAfton #WilliamAfton #TheDDSquad #fnafddsquad #fnafau_hybridbaby #fnaf_hybridbaby
A sketch of Fox-Bite with his cyborg arm.
Fox-Bite is one of my original #FNAFAU characters from #TheDDSquad.
#FNAF #FiveNightsAtFreddys #FoxBite #Fox_Bite #fnafddsquad #ddsquadfnaf #FoxBiteFNAF #FNAFFoxBite #originalcharacter #fnafoc #cyborg #scifi
"Hi Kyle~"
(final version)
Kyle Dayson Morn and Freak-Baby by EmiSie(me)
#fnaf #FiveNightsAtFreddys #FreakBaby #femalesymbiote #HybridBaby #KyleDayson #KyleFNAF #fnafkyle #fnafau #shevenom #theddsquad #fnafddsquad #kyledaysonmorn #freak_baby #fnafau_freakbaby #circusbaby
Here is an earlier sketch of Hybrid Baby (left) and a colored version (right).
The pose is based after The Fourth Closet poster.
#FNAF #FiveNightsAtFreddys #CircusBaby #HybridBaby #fnafoc #fnafau #theddsquad #fnafddsquad #thefourthcloset #fnafar #elizabethfnaf #fnafelizabeth
Elizabeth (#HybridBaby) tries to run away from Kyle,
because she doesn't want him to see her as "Freak-Baby".
While she's running, she slowly turns back to normal.
#FNAF #FiveNightsAtFreddys #kylefnaf #FreakBaby #ElizabethAfton #fnafkyle #elizabethfnaf #fnafddsquad #theddsquad
"I am Circus Baby. And YOU are MINE."
More Venom reference.
#FNAF #FiveNightsAtFreddys #Venom #symbiote #femalesymbiote #VenomBaby #fnafau #HybridBaby #CircusBaby #ElizabethAfton #fnafelizabeth #elizabethfnaf #theddsquad #fnafddsquad #parody #reference #fnafbettymiller