My comic entry for War for Rayuba R6! I was fighting against organic_gear (@ on instagram) and lost but it was honestly worth it. Here's the link to the full version because Twitter compression is ass:

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Right I completely forgot about those dumb things I drew. So here you go. Kubrows are still best pets don't @ me.

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Drew this waaay back when played can't believe they're over. Ah well, gotta live with it.

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So now that Bloodborne is done I might as well post the stuff I made. What do you mean you don't know what Hylics is?

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Gonna try to organize the old stuff as much as I can but Twitter is utterly alien to me. It might take a while but I'll try to do at least a bit each day. First of all, some of my oldest stuff which are cross-over design pictures between and

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