It's time for a new Monday Question! Where do you want to go for your summer vacations? The Island of Wood Oak City from the lands from or Geodia from

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If someone asks you for your best advice to succeed in what's your answer?

1 57

Hey users! Did you know that and are all on the Hours of fun await you!

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Sometimes in it's all about choosing the right biome.
So what's your choice: Clock Tower, Cavern or Forgotten Sep...ok ok no one choose this one nevermind...

3 40

Here are we, fanart of 's game I really love the game and enjoyed doing this even more
There's many things I need to improve but for my very first time drawing and colouring on pc I guess it's not that bad .w.

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Spiderman MCU

Une illu de Lapis Lazuli !

Un petit Nox de Wakfu ✨

Et enfin un fanart de Deadcells, pour lequel la boîte des dev m'ont contacté pour le mettre dans l'artbook officiel
Olala mais sinon c'est illégal de faire des fanart lmao.

2 13

Dans l'armure de la Main du Roi tire son inspiration des méchas présents dans l'animé bien connu Evangelion.

Si si !

3 27

Check out the enamel pin that comes as part of the version of the Rogue-lite, Castlevania-inspired action-platformer that's set for an August 17th release! available on and Pre-orders open now -

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