J’ai enfin pu terminer le dernier thème du challenge "The way you are" 🙄🤗
"Be yourself and the right people will love the real you."
Pas simple, j’en sais qq chose, moi qui me suis toujours sentie en décalage dans ce monde et cette époque…

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Dance to the beat of your dreams! Danse comme tu le sens, comme tu en as envie, comme tu es tout simplement, partage ta joie et les autres suivront! Be You!
Thème 3 (sur 4) du challenge "Dance, girl!"

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And here's the last upload for the event by (https://t.co/2uVY5OmusY) and I can't believe what a journey it has been. Trying to convey feelings of this kind also made me face them personally. It was cathartic. Thank you.

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Entry 3 for the event by (https://t.co/2uVY5OmusY). Dancing is one of the most free forms of direct expressions I can think of, and it can reach far. It's nice to have the confidence to share uniqueness with the rest of the world!

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2e thème du challenge "born to love"
Je t’aime…
un peu…
à la folie…
pas du tout.

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1er thème du challenge fini!
"dear me"… omg j’en aurais des choses à te dire… j’ai juste dessiné une petite nana qui est en paix, pensive et lassive, bien dans sa peau, telle qu’elle est, ici et maintenant, malgré les colères, dégoût et tristesse…

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Here's my second entry for the event by (https://t.co/2uVY5OmusY). I'll admit I'm enjoying the process of making these illustrations. I always try to put as much of my heart and emotions in what I do, but having those as protagonists of a picture is... relieving.

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Double upload today, couldn't refrain from joining the challenge by (https://t.co/2uVY5OmusY). This is a very important topic for me, it's about time I start making something about it.

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I love *prompt !
Embrace;🌷bee she and flowers 🐛🐝🌾🌺
ร่างกายของเราคือสิ่งที่สวยงาม ทุกอย่างคือธรรมชาติ จงโอบกอดมันไว้ด้วยหัวใจที่ชุ่มชื่น เพื่อเติบโตอย่างแข็งแกร่ง และสวยงาม💧

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