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it’s sometimes tough to hear kinda narrow-minded responses from straight adult readers. but i didnt write and draw RILEY MAYES for them so 🌈✨🤷‍♂️

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Hi! I’m Melissa. My debut YOU, ME, AND OUR HEARTSTRINGS is out on July 19th! It follows 2 disabled orchestral musicians who fall in love—just as their duet goes viral.

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Hi I'm Michelle I. Mason & my YA novel, YOUR LIFE HAS BEEN DELAYED, is about 17yo Jenny, who gets on a plane in NY in 1995, but when she lands in St. Louis, she learns 25 years have passed. So she has to adjust to life in a new century.

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Late (as usual) for the final 😅

It's been a weird, uncertain year, but I'm so glad to have connected with readers, author friends, and the other during the launch for my queer YA sci-fi. 🥰

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A1: I’m Megan from Colorado and my novel is out now from . This harrowing verse novel tells the story of a young girl who wakes up utterly alone in her small Colorado town. Perfect for fans of Hatchet and the I Survived series.

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THE LOVE MATCH is not yet up for preorder, but if you like:

✨ tea shop drama
✨ complicated brown girls
✨ several very cute brown boys
✨ nosy, loving families
✨ and SO MUCH MORE I can’t share yet 👀👀

Add TLM on Goodreads:

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1: Hi, everyone! I'm Melissa, and my debut YOU, ME, AND OUR HEARTSTRINGS releases on 5/31/22! One journey that Daisy and Noah take is falling in love. And in doing that, they learn a lot about themselves in the process.

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Hello My sapphic YA GN THE MARBLE QUEEN illustrated by is coming Fall ’22 from ! In it, my MC Amelia takes a journey to a mysterious sentient island where her inner demons become real.

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Hi I can't participate in the chat tonight, but I wanted to at least introduce my book, PLAY LIKE A GIRL, a MG graphic novel about when I played football with the boys in 7th grade (& gave myself a makeover😬). Coming fall '22.

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If you like:

Tea 🫖

Inclusive romances 🤎

Matchmaking shenanigans 💘

Family and friendship feels 👥🫂

The drama of Bollywood (or in this case, Bengali natoks) 🎥

THE LOVE MATCH might be your cup of tea!

Add to Goodreads:

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I'll start a thread for my answers to our first for the here!

A1: I'm Misty, I'm a teacher, & my debut, PLAY LIKE A GIRL, is a MG graphic memoir about when I played football on the boys' team in 7th grade. It's illustrated by my husband, .

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My name is Priyanka and I’m the author of THE LOVE MATCH, a YA romcom releasing from Simon & Schuster in summer 2022!

18yo Zahra Khan is working in a tea shop to save for college but no amount of 💰 or 🧠 can prepare her for her mom’s matchmaking.

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Three words to sum up REA are:
💜 Exciting!
💜 Fantasical!
💜 South-Asian-characters!

I like to say it's for ages 8-99! And you can buy a copy at:

Thank you for hosting this chat! It was such fun! Goodnight y'all!

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This is a strange one for me! I'm closest in personality to Rohan, Rea's extroverted twin brother, but I fully relate to Rea's introvertedness and the complexities in her personality! Maybe because she lives in my head the most? 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Rea's greatest achievement will lie in the success of finding her twin brother who goes missing on the night they turned 12. But Rea also grows a lot emotionally - going from a girl who shuts people off to one who learns to open her heart.

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I love Rea because she's flawed but fierce. She's battling her own demons, quite hard on herself, but when it comes to the people she loves, she will do anything it takes. I also love that she's discovering all the facets about herself and I'm so proud of her!

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i'm gabhi, kidlit author & magical girl! i'm 🇧🇷, obsessed with my cats, and a biiiig language enthusiast 🗣

LIKE A LOVE SONG is about a latina pop star reclaiming her place at the top with the help of a fake boyfriend! 🎤💖

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