画質 高画質

I forgot that we got a new goddess in Neptunia, and seems like she's a representative of Steam Deck. Finally something new and relevant...

Now I need to find her KK model

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bakugan brawl!!!

(2nd pic is corresponding deck to each brawler in order) (i may have stood too long on this)

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本日2/22(木)発売 Z/X EXパック『リユニオン・オーバーブースト!』にて、「シュリとムラマサ 威風への誓い」を描かせていただきました。


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なんとそれぞれにstream deck…!!


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how i miss this deck

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Your Xenagos deck against a poor oomf’s cloud precon deck:

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Some fun stuff with Frost's oc Trinity, adorned in an Obelisk Blue uniform, & playing an era accurate deck of Crystal Beasts against someone.

I do love the uniform, its funny though just how short those skirts were. Kaiba you knew what you were doing~ >:3

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Topped at my local card shop tournament (It was small, but nonetheless I am very happy)!! I repped a deck with a big purple dragon as it’s boss unit because of my love for a certain Vtuber.

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So basically my D&D character snuck into GBVR 👀

(crap res cause in playing on my Steam deck)

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The himetaru is always stronger
In somebody else's deck
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the [BATORI ARENA]
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?

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Another preview for The World card I did for 's Beyond the Stars tarot deck (p/s: this one is my personal favorite <3)

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Preview for The Moon card I did for 's Beyond the Stars deck <3

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補足ですが、翌年2001年6月28日にOCG初のストラクチャーデッキ「STRUCTURE DECK-遊戯編」が発売され、そちらに磁石の戦士達が再録されています。だいぶ早めの再録ですが、ゲーム買ってない&カード持ってない子供達にはありがたい話でした。汎用カードも多収再録されております。

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Bunch of Fate TCG stuff on amiami and now I want to make a noble knights deck for it even though it's trash

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8/24発売Z/X「#アイドルファンタジーフェスタ」にて『たっぷりの愛情を貴方に エンジュ』が再録されております。どうぞ宜しくお願いします🍫

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7月27日発売のZ/X にて『【奸雄招来】和修吉』をガチャ版と合わせて2種描かせていただきました! よろしくお願いいたします! https://t.co/ERkkeb2yQT

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W.I.P of the plant girl deck of cards

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got a steam deck few months ago

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ボクへ基本飲食物が多いけどStream Deckとかの配信で使えそうなのとかいつか買わなきゃって放置してた壊れたお財布とかね!😉


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