画質 高画質

Funny thing is they're both Defenders too

0 4

Tracing Defenderのなっすちゃんハイキックも1年前なわけですが………(再掲)

81 444

What connection to the Ancient Dragons do these stalwart defenders have?

36 351

Gundamusume: Magical Defender Celestial being

Celestial Cadet '0', the first Celestial Magical Girl! 🪄✨💞

Gundamusume Project (#39/78) !

257 1182

Gundamusume: Magical Defender Celestial being

Sapphire Shinobi Astraea! Protecting the weak from the shadows!🥷✨

Gundamusume Project (#37/78)

179 811

Gundamusume: Magical Defender Celestial being

Cerulean Battlemaid Plutone!
Protecting the light inside your heart! 🛡️💞

Gundamusume Project (#37/78)

163 770

Sí, pongo a Nanoka frente a Hyakka porque 1, Se puso ahí para defenderlo y 2, va justo después de un ataque. Badass la muchacha💖

0 0

・何となくDLしたまま放置していたGeForce Experienceのアンインストール
・Windows Defenderの設定見直し
…でだいぶ改善しました!… https://t.co/uEv55sJqak

3 29

*hq setelah 120 hari membuat poster ini dan mengumpulkan tekad, akhirnya aku memberanikan diri untuk send nyari temen di sini 😁☝️ayo temenan sama aku pls. Sesama fanartist dan writer apalagi Yams defender bakal dapat freepass dan sedikit kecup 🤗

0 43

This is sort of the color scheme I might go for if Kira and his ms got captured, would be interesting to see him get mind-controlled.

For the Proud Defender, I might go with full white with some blue trim and gold frame. Something like if Kira got break free or something haha

0 10

Esta vez Mao se transformó por la necesidad de proteger a Nanoka!!! Porque, según entiendo, Shiranui menciona lo de que su muerte la convertirá a ella en el nuevo recipiente y eso lo hace reaccionar!!!! No se transformó involutariamente como auto defensa, sino para defenderla a… https://t.co/FRuGqCAVXA

4 18

*hqart Yamaguchi as an idol :D

Ada yang mau temenan sama aku ngga? Aku suka
bikin fanart, kadang bikin AU juga 😁 minor & homophobic DNI dulu ya, soalnya aku kadang ngefanart yg ngana nganu 🙇‍♀️ fyi, aku Yamaguchi defender, penumpang kapal TsukkiYama, dan (cont)

0 38

"Arcana Defenders" アルカナディフェンダーズ


47 143

Tracing Defenderのハイキックなっすちゃん、良すぎるんだよな…の絵です

196 814

[oc] average limp bizkit defender

32 496

I didn't bother with JP or other localization. Since KR is the "original script" and all, I just went with that one. I didn't wanna get on the bad side of the Defenders of Localizer Rights, ya know. But if you have access to other localization then do share. I'm curious.

22 398


SOFA vision & SOFA mon (sai7)
Super Space Defenders (sai7)

4 27

I got a lovely Super Space Defender through the kindness of Vanglog san!✨
I like the world view and vibe of SSD. thank you very much! o((^▽^))o

4 29