Ma petite sélection perso du portfolio de que j'ai faite découvrir ce matin aux abonnés à la newsletter ! Rejoignez-nous pour un portfolio fantastique tous les matins pour accompagner votre petit dej' ou vos transports en commun !

2 14

Dej's eyes? 👁️👁️
Working on something? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Stay tuned 👀

4 29

Au lever, rien de mieux qu'un bon petit dej ? Ou... Une émeute de clobs ?

0 8

He regresado una vez mAs Bv xd solo veniA a mostrarlEs como siemprE otro de mis dibuj0s con mi amorcit0 u3ur ejEm! y ya que estam0s en Halloween puEs aqui se los dej0 uvu

hastA la proximA ✨🎃

0 3

Por cierto tambien esta la version que le prometi a
El resto de versiones podras conseguilas en mi patreon. Dentro de poco dej aqui el link

0 5

Je suis passé de lapin a je mange les lapins au petit dej😈

0 3

same energy post pause dej'

2 38

\ アイプラ写真判定 /
あなたのスコアはこちら !

1 8

La campagne, c'est des joies simples, comme se battre tous les matins en 1v1 avec la poule qui couve pour chopper ton oeuf du petit-dej.

0 14



3 4

Dej won with a whopping 2 votes (it’s ok we’re growing!), so as promised here’s a little sneak peak of a few different, unique versions of this very cool girl that I’ve been playing around with.

Do you have a favorite?

1 4

The last two poses 🎉 Thank you so much to for hosting this challenge 💖 it's been so worthwhile challenging myself to draw them all!

2 22

catching up on all my scanning this weekend! Here's day 15 and 16 🌻 references from

1 12

Haven’t posted in a long while 😩 but i HAVE been practicing here and there! This beauty came from a pose reference i found in DEJ folder! Happy PRIDE!

2 24

I also want to participate in 's challenge this year!
Tried my best catching up with the poses - I hope I didn't miss one so far!
Thank you for your awesome work, it really is a priceless resource for artists. 💜🌟

3 45

First two days of 's I thought about using charcoal again this year but it always ends up on my face so... coloured pencil it is! 😂

1 29

Sharing this as a sketch because I’m never going to finish painting this uwu

Hope you enjoy my Dej4 Vv era H0ngj00ng

14 71

Trying to participate in adorkastock's challenge.

20 95