At HPPRS, we believe in strong founders with an ambitious vision and ability to take calculated risks.

This is why we have purchased in support of what DeLabs is building ⚡️

11 45

🟨 DeLabs exposure is a MUST for anyone building in Web3.

▸This is why will be bigger than you think.

This is why I bought y00t 3307.


52 240

DeLabs, the startup behind Solana NFT projects DeGods and y00ts, has revealed that it received a $3M grant to move y00ts to Polygon.

14 122

It’s not about moving to ETH, game theory, holding bomb spaces or to land a job in web3. The real reason we’re all here is the ART. And delabs pfps are works of art. So cue up a shooey, do a shot with me and enjoy some culture.

0 8

Salaryman by Fukinridelabs 1/1 edition on
5000 x 7200 px 300 DPI

Reserve 0.15 ETH

22 37