Cate Blanchette Stylized practuce portrait. I was practicing with painting lips so I kinda went a little ham on them here.

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Merry Christmas Everyone!
Apologies for the absence.
I know it’s been a while since I posted anything, haven’t really been on social media for some time due to some writing and keeping busy.

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An old piece I recently touched up. Messing around with different colors and lighting . Gonna try and keep up with this inktober😅.

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Moira O'deorain - Summer Heat
A profile pic I made for my gamertag for this hot arse summer we're currently in.

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Another recent practice illustrarion, I was experimenting with different ways of going about coloring digitally. Messing with shades, lighting and of course color.

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Character belongs to on Instagram.
A finished version of a character their's.
"Zombie Apocalypse Survivor"

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- Bubblegum Warmth (Repost)
Just revised this a bit and softened the line work, new posts coming soon starting next month.

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