Felix is a Lightbearer, formerly known as Dredgen Adelphos and an accquaintice of the Drifter. Brought on to the ketch to monitor glimmer and loot distribution, he doesn't mix well with Guardians but he has an impressive amount of skill dealing with any threat.
*Any* threat.

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Tomorrow, our first one-shot for is releasing!

Written by with original art by , this level for fifth-level junkers takes your crew into the Stockade to help Koldon Bancroft!

Really excited, gang!

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My favourite artistic interpretation of a gown is Oswald Birley’s 1919 portrait of Miss Muriel Gore . The shimmery pleated delphos dress is instantly recognisable, an almost identical shade to this surviving example

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Check out the completed art for the Conduit by , our original class designed by for Book 1:

Below we see a darwyk Conduit, wielding twin throwing disks empowered by their control over sigils and runic energy!

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🌼Serena Adelphos.
Serena sufrió una no-infancia a manos de su padre quien la entrenó para ser un arma desde pequeña. Serena no tiene una pizca de autoestima y piensa que no es merecedora de nada. Su ánima se manifiesta en forma de ella de doce años.

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💐Leon Adelphos.
Leon miente sobre su ánima a todos los que lo conocen y solo le confiesa a Der Harius que sintió morir al no poder evitar que su hermana menor, Alyssa, quedara parapléjica sobre una silla de ruedas. Se siente culpable.

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-después). Libro 1, Fantaisie, "Nine Silent Tolls".

Las siguientes Virtudes en encontrarse son Alyssa Adelphos, Kasia Brisafox y Mallory Aetos, de Dearor.

Ellas coronarán a Der Harius como la Voz de Dios, quien liderará a los otros Campeones. Libro 2, Ánima, "One Last Story".

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It's pride month and I had the wonderful opportunity of making fanart for the glorious !
Damen has been a favorite since first appearing in the Delphos Saga.

Be sure to check out Life of the Party and support the magnificent cast and creators!

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I'm just saying, I think Damen is the right size for comfort hugs

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After Wednesday’s episode, how could I NOT draw Pandora? acting continues to utterly blow me away!

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some arts for the compilation piece for The Delphos Arc. recoloured the behir mother's drawing and drew up the crystal minotaur of the Labyrinth as well as a certain Beast

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jump as high and shine as bright as a firework, our Anathia does☀️

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HOY HABLARÉ DE 💚DERLYS💙: Der Harius Stein + Alyssa Adelphos.
A.k.a. mi tragic couple preferida.

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some detail bonuses because I went ham on the tunics

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This is my girl Aedon Zanili from the latest ep of thank you for doing an amazing job portraying her 🥰

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Avoiding assignments and thinking about t h e m 🥰✨

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I’ve been doing some outfit requests over on my instagram, inspired by rabdoibal’s outfit meme chart.

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When I heard the challenge was "victorious", my first thought was "icarus pelayo in a laurel wreath". ... and then this happened because I found some old playing cards in my dresser...

So enjoy another entry from my side for 's art competition:

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