Minnesota is on a major power trip, holding his state's hostage for the maximum & damage he can inflict on the & by extension, in order to ensure a win in

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No for bumbling bookkeeping — overspending on for to for votes using funds is your problem. We won't allow you to rob us anymore.

Cartoon by

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Thank you for refusing to bail out states that are self-imploding due to their irresponsibility...

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Senate failed on Tuesday to garner the 60 votes necessary to override a of two separate pieces of legislation, both of which sought to protect the most vulnerable among us — preborn and newborn children.

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The strongest perfume on the planet will never cover the stench of the employed by in their & attempt of .

Cartoon by

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Our two-tiered has robbed of IMPARTIALITY & EQUALITY in delivering true justice all too frequently & for far too long. is just the latest tragic example! We cannot allow CORRUPT to control our courts.

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Very clever political cartoon parody of running in Primary...

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"To caress the serpent that devours us, until it has eaten away our heart..." ~ Voltaire

& the

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This is the entire platform – they have nothing else to run on. PATHETIC.

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