— Spring llegó a tener problemas con arañitas paseándose por su hamaca o su sillón, resultando en qué tenga múltiples picaduras dolorosas de arañas...
Otro más, Spring padeció de Dengue, pero tan mal se puso que casi termina hospitalizado, áun así el w se negaba a que le +

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meu deus eu sou tao triste eubtenho depressão, ansiedade, pânico, pressão alta, pressão baixa, hpv, hiv, dengue, zika, chicungunha, peste negra, poliomielite, paralisia infantil, osteoporose, gripe suína, febre amarela, meningite, gonorreia, herpes, faringite, doença de cha

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eu tenho depressão, ansiedade, pânico, pressão alta, pressão baixa, hpv, hiv, dengue, zika, chicungunha, peste negra, poliomielite, covid, osteoporose, gripe suína, febre amarela, meningite, gonorreia, herpes, faringite, doença de chagas, bronquite, leptospirose

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Idea when humans encroach on animal territory, disease arises. mosquitoes - dengue, bats - corona, swine - flu, bird - flu, rat fleas - Black Plague, monkey - Ebola, etc…. we’re just pawns caught up in the 4 billion year evolutionary war between RNA and DNA.

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First finished after the artist you write this description to improve significantly after getting Chikungunya / Dengue, my oc femboy, Harley, slightly reformulated 😍❤️

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La razón es porque mientras lo terminaba estaba enfermo de dengue, tenia un enorme cansancio y eran las 2 am

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Dengue, an illegal human blood peddler, and general jerk. Prefers AB- blood for its rarity and taste.

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UP Cebu's resident dentist died on Monday night at a hospital in Cebu City.

Although initial reports attribute her death to dengue, the possibility of a Covid-19 infection is also being explored because she reportedly struggled with breathing before her death. | via A. Soria

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Nono man, ese virus es un asco. Hay que hacer algo con el dengue, y ya.

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Impact of temperature on transmission of Zika, dengue, and chikungunya using mechanistic models https://t.co/Ay45ozqqN8

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