"This self-denial of yours is none of my business, but I do find virtue in your... commitment. We all have to make decisions, so stick with yours to the bitter end."

5 26

Day16 Orgasm denial

🌊: Please.....let me come xiansheng--!!
🔶: *fufu Can you hold it a little bit more? For me.
🌊: !!! You want me....to be....
🔶: Yes. Be a good boy, Ajax.

28 307

Last Sundae eating now that summers over!! ☀️ (I was still in denial)

🌸 Elfen art by yureissu

Expect some pop up streams this week! They'll all be really scuffed but I want to get used to using my voice and streaming since I'm still a noob 😭

1 33

Denial has many forms, most show themselves carrying a type shield. Shields made of coffin, body made of light. DHSC comic is about going through the 5 stages of grief, the MCs have to defeat them to progress. Each person faces a diff ver of a SOG monster. Concept art https://t.co/vxXCXj5rmz

3 18

kny!halu tw // warning spoiler

guys menurut kalian, seiblis-iblisnya muzan masih ada sifat manusia di diri dia gaksih? di dialog terakhir sm ubuyashiki, dia kayak denial gitu sm perasaannya HEUU

16 466

from denial to acceptance: young lord version

773 7636

When you’re still in denial with your relationship

5395 63731

what if nobara’s heart here wasn’t a sign that she has an in-denial crush on yuji but was actually just ~RESONANCE~

0 2

English Translation

Hayase Yuuka is not kill (saved by denial mechanism).

150 1243

cries in denial

1410 6319

He's clearly gone up several cup sizes recently and is in denial about it

5 23

artist! kalian set price start dari berapa? sender lagi denial pengen naikin harga apa engga, kira kira ini cocok harganya sampe berapa? soalnya rada shock liat harga komis disinj

0 14

jjk! warning spoiler

gojo megumi ini beneran udah d word kah? atau mereka masih bisa balik dan belum fix d word? 😔😔😔 (mencoba denial)

76 1272


Si Jin ini berarti sadar kalo kaorinya tuh dah meninggal (sampe kakeknya yuji nasehatin), tapi penasaran sama dia tetep mau nerima kaori jadi-jadian tuh kenapa. Antara dia emang pengen punya anak atau denial kem4tian istirnya. Menurut kalian gimana?

108 2364


Warning Spoiler manga

Team denial Gojo d word, yang masih suka ngetweet optimis, retweet atau bahas teori gojo alive. Hayuuuuk temenan 💙💙💙

415 1341

Warning Spoiler jjk!

Jadi gimana udah nerima kem4tian Gojo Satoru atau masih denial?

Retweet for denial
Like for acceptance

1309 718

I've been PLOTTING 👏👀🐍

A collection of scribbles both old & new as I think about a piece. Because TBH, I'm still kinda in denial that he's ACTUALLY coming 🤣 You don't just make us wait 2yrs and then suddenly he's playable! TF

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