Siguiente dibujo, tal vez lo suba mañana
Next drawing, maybe I'll upload it tomorrow

1 17

One of my favoritos ✨♥️
Uno de mis favoritos ✨♥️

0 13

Me has encontrado, estoy agradecido.
You have found me, I am grateful You have found me, I am grateful

1 14

No se que decir sobre este dibujo. ✨
I don't know what to say about this drawing ✨

1 20

No es algo wouuu pero es algo. 🤙
It's not something wouuu but it's something. 🤙#dermonguel

2 23

Ya tocaba subir algo del hermano, como
It was time to upload something from the brother as

1 22

Am la verdad no se que decir :'3
The truth is that I don't know what to say.

2 23