361 Not Yours. I hope he isn't planning on eating him.

6 27

358 Toothache. Maybe they should put some cake in a blender so he can drink it through a straw...

10 38

356 Cavity. Anyone who's ever had a wisdom tooth removed may understand this situation...

2 21

350 Deadly Viruses. The Designersaurs have a visit from Albertonykus Borealis Johnson.

4 41

346 Christmas Cake 2021. Flattering I must say. But Zorr isn't impressed with his girlfriend's antics.

11 34

333 Distraction. Karina's been baking again, at least this time she's remembered to make one for Zorr too.

6 28

309 Drone III. Rozz is getting the hang of the security drone and spies his target.

1 18