I travel and write for newspapers, under a pen name. I become known for my wit, my radical politics, and my trademark white suits.
Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn are smash hits. Today my books are among the most beloved and the most often banned!

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I write 37 of the most famous plays of all time - histories, comedies, and dramas - including Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and McBeth. You probably quote me and don’t even know it! # William Shakespeare

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I was born in a log cabin
I issued the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing more than 3.5 million enslaved African Americans
I led the United Stated to victory over the Confederacy. With that done...time to head to the theater!

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When my uncle abdicates the throne to marry his American girlfriend, My dad is made King after all.
I have a son, Charles, and a daughter, Anne. I ascend to the throne in 1952 and continue to rule to this day; the longest-serving monarch ever!

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I wage a 30yr war against the Saxons, I kill a bunch of them!
My kingdom/family is huge. I rule almost all of Europe and I have multiple wives and mistresses (Nice..) and 18 kids! (oops!)
I'm known by one name, Prince and Madonna are haters

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Mom’s a small-town girl, Dad’s a carpenter. Real dad is….you know….
Until 30, I live an unremarkable life, but then I perform a few miracles and now everyone wants to hear me!
My progressive views threaten Rome and Pontius Pilate has me crucified.

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Dad’s will says I have to marry my little brother and share his thrown. Ew, no!
There’s a famine. I lose control of Egypt for a while, but Julius Caesar, helps me win it back. My true love, Mark Antony, and I are real-life Romeo and Juliet.

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