Day 29: "Create some art using any sort of FREE base art."

This one was physically painful to do. Used the infamous dancing base for Sam and Ren.

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Day: 27 "Make a new OC by copy pasting an existing OC and changing their colors into a gothic look."

This is Niko's dark clone Johnny Darko. He doesn't talk, but he is singer in a screamo band. He is in love with Amy Lee and has a split personality.

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Day 25: "Create a fursona, but it’s actually just a Pokémon with different colored eyes."

This is my new fursona Cutiecario and she is absolutely my original creation and totally not inspired by a Pokèmon!! IT'S A COINCIDENCE!!

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Day 24: "Add some Linkin Park or Evanescence lyrics to a piece of art."

Bohoo, so sad. Cone of shame is filling up with tears.

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Day 23: "Post some overly dramatic vent art. You may be vague about the issue and make it sound worse than it actually is. Sympathy fishing is welcomed."

Sad woofs in the rain seem to be an universal DA topic. So here's some emo woof Nick.

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Day 22: "Draw some edgy cats fighting – don’t use any reference!"

This is Bloodgore vs. Mr. Mittens. They are my Warriors ocs. :^)

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Day 15: "Draw an OC with uncomfortable sexy undertones. Wonky anatomy, like gazillion abs or balloon boobies are welcomed."

Here's some broken spine hentai-anatomy Mel.

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Day 14: "Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC overly cute and put 90% of the work into making the eyes look sparkly."
The continuation of shota Sam.

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Day 11: "Combine an animal with a piece of food and create your own original adopt species."
Very original Wienerdog. Inspired by my Austrian roots and a totally new concept.

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Day 9: "Draw a character from a cartoon and add some obvious erotic undertone."
Sexy-WAH, anyone?
(Also, due to the lack of flesh color in my original MSPaint palette, the WAH turned trump orange 🤷‍♂️)

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Day 8: "Take some official and well-known cover art, trace over it badly, color it with the bucket tool and claim it as your OCs."
Totally original character and cover. Kubo stole this from me years ago.

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Day 6: "Make that wolf/lion/dragon/cat/horse look even sparklier."
Absolutely NOT another wolf's rain trace. Not like the previous post was one >.> OC don't steal!

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Day 5: "Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC as either a wolf, lion, dragon, cat or horse. You may badly trace over Disney art."
My OC Nick. I totally DID NOT TRACE this from Wolf's Rain v.v

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Day 4: "Now use the Sonic Dollmaker to make a better Sonic OC, cuz drawing is hard."
Skull has a gf now: Sweet the sexhog and her power is that she is really sexy, so sexy that everyone will do what she wants, but she loves Skull x//D shipname: Skeet

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Day 3: "Create a Sonic OC. Explain their powers."
This is Skull the Edgehog. His power is, that everyone is afraid of him, so they don't fight him, but if he were to fight them, he would always win. He is insane, but he is kind to the ones he loves ^^

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Day 1: "Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC in MS Paint style."
Omg, coloring this took me all day D;
(Jk, I drew my OC Shou with my offhand in an MS Paint like program. Used my dominant ne to fast line it. Time: ~10 minutes)

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