DFserver just added support for Stable Diffusion 2.0.

Add "-M sd2" after your prompt .

SD 2.0 has a big change that you may need to redo your prompt engineering completely

Default size in DF server: 768*769, CGS:9 https://t.co/v7kdGQJWas

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花5分钟画了一张巨角鹿头顶落日的草图, 作为 inti image 在 DFserver 里跑了个 low poly 风格。结果还挺挺不错的 (成品图用PS简单修补了一下)。 |

DFserver 现已支持以图生图。对结果有更高可控要求的玩家,用数字绘画工具随便画个草稿丢进去跑,最好玩不过了。Github 链接 1/2

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Spent 5 minutes on a quick sketch of a giant antlered deer with a sunset over its head as an init image, then used Img2img in DFserver to generate a low-poly style outcome. the Final result was simply fixed in PS.
Quite satisfied with the results.

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还是回来玩我的 stable diffusion, generated in DFserver

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DFserver 的task pipeline 现已支持 Waifu Diffusion v1.3。 在 prompt 或 参数后面加上 -M wf 就可以。保持prompt 描述简单会效果好一点。快来生成你新老婆吧。https://t.co/iDLqUNmhRN

相同种子的对比 Waifu vs SD Diffusion, 见下图 https://t.co/UMil9tZygT

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Waifu Diffusion v1.3 now supported in the task pipeline of DFserver. https://t.co/iDLqUNmhRN

Just add "-M wf" after your prompt or parameter.

Look the difference with the same seed below.

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DFserver 的 discord bot 今天加上了 Prompt Building Assist。 这是 用20万条 SD prompt 基于 GPT Neo2.7B finetune 的模型。以后 Prompt 也可以用AI辅助写啦

!build prompt 补全风格和细节等修饰词
!build prompt ... 修饰词之外还补全主题

然后你就得到了下面这只性感肉兔 https://t.co/uDj99RBFaL

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