Colin 🌺 Tony
El estilo es de amii-stuff y también está la firma en las imágenes

0 10

headcanon that after the scar incident Finn’s become more prone to overstimulation and ends up lashing out and shutting down more often and it embarrasses him. and tony’s like “I gotchu fam.”

12 72

Don't hug me, i'm in Wonderland
¡Pienso hacer más dibujos de este Au! Me gustó bastante uvu💖

22 406

Don't hug me I'm scared Wakey Wakey was the perfect excuse for making some dhmis fan art and add my girl Manekin to it 🤸🏻‍♀️

1 21

Claus and Tony

a simple drawing ,
It took me about 3 hours 🤨 what ???

But hey, I hope you like it uwuw

11 85