Dialect has an alter-ego.

Dialect: Bold drops Friday 1pm ET on

TBD pieces / 1 tz

Free for Dialect holders (I will mint). Thank you so much for your support ❤️🙏

Not a Dialect holder? Reply with your address so I can gauge if enough interest + add some AL spots


3 31

Jotaro still wants to keep an eye on Giorno, things don't go too smoothly, or definitely not as expected.
A little thing I've had in my folder for ages, I finally finished it up!

Giorno, in dialect: Mind your own damn business.
Jotaro's heart: dokidoki :D

34 122

In Cumbrian 'leemers' is the nut from the hazel tree

The Celts equated hazelnuts with wisdom and poetic inspiration, suggested by the similarity between the Gaelic word for the nuts, 'cno', and the word for wisdom, 'cnocach'.

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